2020 Xcel State Meet Information
2020 Xcel State Meet information is now posted at
2020 Xcel State Meet information is now posted at
Registration for all 3 of Region 4’s Training Camps and the College Showcase will begin at 8AM on July 15th. Please see the attached file for information on the camps.
Important – athletes will be considered registered when the on-line reservation is completed AND the hard copy registration, including priority level, and payment are received. Athletes will be accepted based on priority and by date that they are received. Priority 1 & 2 athletes have until August 14th to claim their priority spot. If they are registered after that date, they are not guaranteed a space.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Have a great day,
Paige Roth
Owner, Iowa Gym-Nest
Region 4 JOCC
USA Gymnastics W200 National Instructor
319.530.5317 (cell)
319.887.1136 (fax)
[email protected]
I hope everyone is staying healthy.
We would like to welcome Tammy Donahue to the WI State board as an appointed contact/communication administrator. Here is the link from the July Meeting: July SAC meeting.
Here is the 2020-21 WI Rules & Policies with an addendum for COVID. The first page has an overview of the changes for the 2020-21 season. There are also highlighted changes throughout the R&P that relate to this year only.
We looked at all the responses to the compulsory meet request email Randy and I sent out. All the clubs that responded received a meet. I have created a calendar on the state website with the meets listed on it. If you would like an optional meet added to the calendar, just email me. For the 2020-21 season, all meets of 2 or more clubs are considered qualifying meets Please email Sarah Nelson for judges. https://usagymwi.com/calendar/.
I have updated https://usagymwi.com/ . Some of the things that have changed are below.
We will be using the 2019-20 USA Gymnastics active member and club email lists until October. Please make sure your club email and person member emails are correct on USA Gymnastics because that is where I am getting my email lists from.
Kathy Nelson
Wisconsin’s 2013 July State Newsletter