WAG call for Nominations
WAG Athlete Representative call for nomination form.
The deadline for this form to be submitted to the Athlete’s Council is Friday, February 9th. A reminder – Athlete Reps are ONLY required for National committees at this time.
Vote NOW for your 2023-25 WI State Board
Please check your email for the link, or email Kathy at [email protected] for the link.
Spotting Clinic

Instructor members can’t register for the spotting clinic through the meet reservation system. They can participate as long as they have an instructor membership. If an instructor members would like to attend the spotting clinic, they need to register them by emailing me at: [email protected] with the following information:
- Instructor’s Name
- USAG #
- Club
Paige Roth
Owner, Iowa Gym-Nest
Region 4 USAG Development Program Chair
USA Gymnastics W200 National Instructor
319.530.5317 (cell)
[email protected]